A Big Puddle : The Early Laguna De Santa Rosa

Publication Type  Book
Authors  John Cummings
Year  2005
Publisher  John Cummings
Place Published  Petaluma CA
Key Words  abk; archive; Laguna; history; Lake Sebring; Lake Jonive; Ballard Lake; Gray's Lake; fish; catfish; ebook

This paper augments the historical information in the author’s earlier 2003 paper on the Laguna
(“Crystal Laughing Waters”) and provides an annotated and broader understanding of the role of
the Laguna de Santa Rosa during the early county.
Most of the early Petaluma newspaper articles cited or summarized in this paper for the period
between 1855 and the summer of 1893 were obtained from the microfilm files of the forerunners
or the different names of the Argus, but for convenience, the articles are referenced by their
original designations of the newspapers in which they appeared. "

PJ&SCA – October 6, 1855 Petaluma and Santa Rosa Valleys
Extracted from a letter to the California Farmer, this article describes the westerly drainage of the
Santa Rosa Valley as “ending in a laguna at the base of the Coast Range, which vents itself to
[the] Russian River.” Of particular interest, this article also refers to the village of Santa Rosa,
describes the northern part of the valley as being “well covered in oaks,” and opinions that the
valley will in time due to artesian borings, “smile with venture and blossom like a rose.” "

Environmental History Digital Collection
Sonoma State University Library, Rohnert Park, California
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URL  http://northbaydigital.sonoma.edu/cdm/ref/collection/EHDC/id/2437
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